Supplement : The used item is in good condition. There are stains on the earrings. Please check the details in the pictures.
T he conditions of this item. Less than 10 times used felling, tiny scratches and/or stains. Slightly used feeling, small scratches and/or stains. Somewhere in between very good and good somewhere in between very good and good. Used feeling, some scratches and/or stains.
Somewhere in between good and fair. Much used feeling, obvious noticeable scratches and/or stains. Somewhere in between fair and recycle. (North America, Central America, Oceania, Middle East Caribbean, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).
Free (UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and all other European Countries). We can combine orders which are closed within 2 days.
Our items come from vendors who deal solely in large volumes of designer bags for the Japanese domestic market. These highly trained professionals are experts in the identification of fake items. We are guaranteed of the authenticity of these items by our vendors and our trained staff also double checks them. Therefore our buyers can rest assured that we deal in only authentic items. The photo is completed with item and accessories.Things not shown in the pictures or not described such as a key, a lock or a dust bag are not included. We have magnified the item parts that have scratches or signs of wear for your information. We try to take photos of all defects, but we cannot cover all minor defects. We check smells for all items.
We do not sell any items with strong smells. However, Some used items may have slightly an unpleasant odor. The photograph may not show exact color of item, due to different PC displays and lighting conditions.Also, because of used articles, most of bags are somewhat deformed. Please be aware that a bag is formed better by putting something inside when the photograph is taken. There is a large volume and market for pre-owned designer bags here in Japan. The laws here are very strict. Stores like ours must be certified and registered with the Japanese Police Department to even own the business.
Thus, pre-owned dealers in Japan have become very skilled and experienced in recognizing fake items. This high level information in the identification of fake items is shared with those in pre-owned market in order to protect us and our customers.
If you have any questions or doubts about any items, please let us know. Our skilled and qualified staff will answer your inquiries to the best of their ability. They are will be end in every Sunday night.